Cráter de Turkmenistán las Puerta del Infierno en el desierto


Impactantes imágenes de la "Puerta del Infierno" en el desierto de Turkmenistán.Un dron filmó el enorme cráter, que es visitado por miles de turistas cada año, donde las temperaturas alcanzan los mil grados.

El fotógrafo italiano Alessandro Belgiojoso grabó un espectacular video del cráter de Darvaza, en el desierto de Turkmenistán, conocido en el mundo como La Puerta del Infierno.



(Part 1). Turkmenistan. The 7th least visited country in the world just beating out South Sudan and Libya. An authoritarian state with police stationed on every street corner enforcing absurdly draconian rules - a strict 11pm curfew, no photographs of government buildings and as a tourist, ensuring that I was accompanied by a government sanctioned guide at all times. “This is for your safety” my guide unconvincingly explained to me and then even less convincingly... “we live in paradise. A Turkmen saying says that when you die you go to heaven and end up in Ashgabat.” To be fair, the capital - Ashgabat, is pristine and impressive. Though impressive in an absolute down right fucking mad weirdness. The entire city is made of white Italian marble, every car - by law - is white, there are more fountains than in Las Vegas, and at one end stands the enormous ‘Arch of Neutrality’ with a statue of the first president (‘President for Life’) made of pure gold standing atop with arms outstretched to the population, slowly rotating throughout the day always facing the sun. At the other, a Monument to the Future with a large model of a Carbon atom surrounded by eight flying saucers/UFOs. The Ministry of Dentistry building is in the shape of a tooth, the Ministry of Oil and Gas, a cigarette lighter, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs topped with an extremely gaudy version of the Earth. “Thank god we don’t have a Ministry of Gynecology” joked my guide. And like some Orwellian nightmare, sitting atop a hill overlooking the city is the Palace of Happiness where the locals come to get married under the warm embrace of the government. And yet despite these enormous tree lined highways, oversized Italian marble monuments, fountains, rotating statues, despite this enormous automatically running city, there is no one. No one walking the streets, very few cars - certainly no traffic. The traffic lights ticking in unison to empty streets. The fountains running synchronized shows day in day out watched by nobody. This is the Truman Show writ large, some mad man’s idea of paradise that he has imposed through top down force on a population that didn’t know it needed it. And...

Una publicación compartida de Chris Jones (@christojones) el


El fenómeno natural mantiene en vilo a la comunidad científica que no puede terminar de explicar cómo y por qué se abrió este enorme cráter en medio del desierto. Lleva ya 40 años encendido.

El pozo de Darvaza se formó en 1971, cuando los geólogos soviéticos realizaban obras de prospección en esta zona, rica en petróleo y gas natural. La cueva que se tragó todos sus equipos.

De la cueva emanaba un fuerte olor a gas natural. Para evitar la contaminación del ambiente y la intoxicación de los humanos y los animales, decidieron quemarlo pero nunca imaginaron que estaría ardiendo durante cuatro décadas.



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