Un estadounidense, el primero que cruza la Antártida solo


Se trata de Colin O ‘Brady, quien terminó su recorrido por la Antártida, convirtiéndose así en la primera persona en cruzar el continente blanco sólo y sin ayuda, según lo publicado en su cuenta de Instagram.

“¡¡¡Línea de meta!!! ¡Lo hice! Lo imposible primero. 32 horas y 30 minutos después de abandonar mi último campamento temprano en Navidad cubrí las cerca de 80 millas restantes [unos 128,5 kilómetros] en un continuo esfuerzo del ‘Ultramaratón de la Antártida’ hasta la línea de llegada”, escribió este hombre de 33 años.



Day 38: THE NEXT GENERATION. I am humbled and proud that 30,000 school kids on six continents are now engaged with The Impossible First project as part of a collaboration with my non-profit Beyond 7/2 and @daciapjones who is one of the most amazing educators in America. Teachers have developed curriculum around my expedition and students are integrating data from my journey to learn about the science of weather, climate, math, history, geography, fitness, health etc. One of my greatest joys is sharing my expeditions with the next generation in hopes of inspiring them to set goals, live active and healthy lives and pursue their biggest dreams. Hopefully this project shows the importance of protecting our planet and that nothing is impossible when you set your mind to it. Really looking forward to doing in school visits again when I’m back home! Today, I had another parahelion (circle rainbow) glistening overhead. It was stunning. I’ve only ever seen this phenemnon in Antarctica and I’m curious why it happens. Perhaps one of the students can look it up and let me know? Less than 20 miles to the South Pole now!! #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible

Una publicación compartida de Colin O'Brady (@colinobrady) el


Fueron 53 días de travesía por la Antártida, que comenzaron el pasado 3 de noviembre en la barrera de hielo Filchner —en el oeste— caminando alrededor de 1.500 kilómetros, en los que pasó por el Polo Sur y terminó en la plataforma de Ross.

O ‘Brady competía contra Louis Rudd, capitán del Ejército de Reino Unido, que el 26 de diciembre se encontraba a algo más de 110 kilómetros de la plataforma de Ross y se espera que logre llegar el 29 de este mes.



Day 19: PRISTINE BEAUTY. Today during a break, an empty plastic bag slipped out of my hands and got caught by the wind. Having been raised with a Leave No Trace ethic in the outdoors, I instinctively unclipped from my harness and took off running through the deep snow after the bag. After about 100 meters I finally dove into the snow and grabbed it. There is nothing like the untouched beauty of this place it would break my heart to think about polluting it even just a tiny bit. Then something really interesting happened. I looked back at my sled and I immediately felt panicked. Like a sailor thrown overboard out at sea, looking back at my sled from 100 meters away, I realized this was the furthest I have been from my “life raft” since I began. I’m never more than the length of my harness rope away from it. My fear was completely irrational of course as there was nothing wrong with stepping away. But the perspective looking back made me realize that my sled has begun to feel an extension of myself, albeit heavy, it’s equipped with everything I need to survive out here. I guess with no loving things around, I’ve grown a deep attachment to an inanimate object. #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible

Una publicación compartida de Colin O'Brady (@colinobrady) el




Fuente: actualidadRT



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